Configure Void Reasons

In restaurant parlance a “Void” is when management removes an item from a customer’s check. Void reasons can be a good way of keeping track of wastage and you will be able to identify menu items or other areas that may be costing you. Void reasons allows you to track why, who and when comps and voids happen. You now have the capability to add in or edit Void reasons.

Select Void Reasons from the Restaurant section of the Point of Sale (POS) Configuration menu.

The Void Reasons screen display is split into two frames, with the left side of the screen listing any already configured void Reasons for the property and the right side containing the fields you need to complete in order to add or edit a void reason for the property. Any changes made on the right, once saved, will be updated in the listings to the left.

Void Reasons screen, left side detail showing configured reasons

The currently configured Void Reason options can be displayed by:

List Order: This determines where the table appears listed in the interface.

Reason: The void reasons can be sorted alphabetically or a particular void reason searched for manually.

Selecting any void reason will display the details on the right.

Void Reason screen right side detail showing editing options

Your options include the following:

Generate a new entry:

Click the New Generate New Entry button button from the toolbar to add a new Void Reason.

Complete the fields described below.


Select an existing Void reason from the list on the left, and click the Replicate Replicate Current Entry button button from the toolbar.

Then change the field information as described below.

Edit the current selection:

Change the field information described below.


List Order: This determines in what order the void reason appears listed in the interface.

Enter a number into the List Order field.

This field is optional.

Void Reason: This is the field that the reason for the void should be entered. This is the name that appears for Void Reason in the Point of Sale (POS)interface.

This field is required.

Not Active?: This box may be checked or unchecked. By default, it is unchecked.

It should only be checked if the Void reason is no longer in use.

Once a Void reason has been added to the list on the left, it will remain in the list (cannot be deleted) if there has been any checks created using it. Once a check is created, it exists in several places in the system, and therefore there cannot be a check for something that does not exist.


When you are finished adding or editing Void reasons, click the Save Save button button to save the changes.

To view any changes made, click the Activity log Activity Log button button in the local tool bar.


Date Updated February 18, 2021